Kristang Poetry Competition
Bos podih skribeh poesia Kristang? As part of the 1st Kristang Language Festival, we organised a Kristang Poetry Competition that saw 25 worthy submissions in Kristang or both Kristang and English! Poets of winning entries presented their poems at the Gala Dinner on 20 May 2017.
Submissions were vetted by esteemed judges:
- Joan Marbeck, Kristang researcher, author, and poet of Malaysia
- Sara Santa Maria, Kristang teacher in the Portuguese Settlement, Melaka
- Olive Edema, one of few native Kristang speakers in Singapore
We proudly present to you the three winning entries by Shane Carroll, Martha Fernandez, and Edmund Arozoo, who have very captured the Kristang spirit and sense of hope for what’s to come.
First Prize
Singku Tempra di Nanna
di Shane Carroll
alu, ja pilah
kuzeh tudu ta komesa kung
Nanna sa forsa
chili, ja telah
tomah di jarding di
Nanna sa devasang
sabola, ja chinchang
kura tudu duensa di
Nanna sa batemintu
safrang, ja po
kumiria fikah alegri chuma
Nanna sa kalor
kwentru, ja kortah
eli sa klor bida ta kabah
Nanna sa buniteza
tempra tudu ki Nanna ta sibrih
tempu tudu ki Nanna ta kuzeh
sempri prubah chuma
Nanna sa amor.
Nanna’s Five Spices
by Shane Carroll
garlic, pounded
all meals begin with
Nanna’s strength
chillies, sliced
plucked from the garden of
Nanna’s devotion
onions, chopped
the cure for all illnesses out of
Nanna’s concern
turmeric, powdered
dishes turn bright like
Nanna’s warmth
coriander, cut
her favourite colours complete
Nanna’s beauty
all the spices that Nanna uses
all the times that Nanna cooks
always taste like
Nanna’s love.
Second Prize
Kristang dah Kodrah di rentu yo
di Martha Fernandez
Bos sa soung justu muziku ku yo sa ubidu
asih jenti idadi santah kon papiah tantu.
Yo ngka intindeh bos
mas yo ja sinti muitu seguru kung bos.
Bos ja komesah dispadiseh.
Yo nungka sempri ubih di bos.
Kon bos ja bai seng ngka bisiah.
Bida ngka mesmu teng mas.
Bes sa bes, yo logu ubih kung bos.
Na meza-meza familia, na Melaka, na akeli bas.
Memoria pasadu logu kureh
kon yo logu surih.
Yo sabih bos.
Unga dia yo ja ubih sa unga jenti
dah kuniseh bos ku stranjeru.
Yo kereh fazeh isti stranjeru.
Yo kereh abresah bos kon falah
“Yo mutu peduah. Yo logu nunteng nuangka largah di bos.”
Ozi bos ja fazeh yo sa korpu.
Mambes yo ja achah bos
kon largah di bos, yo ngka logu.
Faesang-faesang fimi judah kung yo
kriseh na forsa kung bos.
Sa unga vos di rentu yo rasgah guela kung gabadisa bong:
“Kodrah Kristang! Kodrah!
Papiah Kristang! Papiah!”
Kon yo sa sentimentu tudu bong.
My Kristang Awakening
by Martha Fernandez
You sounded like music in my ears
as the elderly sat and chatted away.
I did not understand you
but felt very safe with you.
You started to disappear.
I hardly heard you.
And then you left without any warning.
Life was not the same.
Occasionally, I will hear you.
At family parties, in Malacca, in the bus,
Memories will flow back
and bring a smile to my face.
I know you.
One day I heard that someone
was introducing you to strangers.
I wanted to be one of the strangers.
I wanted to embrace you and say
“I’m sorry. I should have never let you go.”
Today you are a part of me.
I’ve found you again
and I will never let you go.
Friendly faces help me grow
in strength with you.
A voice inside of me shouts out with pride:
“Awaken Kristang! Awaken!
Speak Kristang! Speak!”
And I feel whole again.
Third Prize
Beng Kodrah Kristang
di Edmund Arozoo
Nang skiseh
Nang desah yo mureh
Miora miora
Papiah kon kantah
Na Kristang
Agora mas menus jenti
Impodi papiah
Nang bergonya
Beng nos biradu
Abresah no sa adanza nos tudu
Beng Kodrah Kristang prestadu
Let’s Awaken Kristang
by Edmund Arozoo
Don’t forget
Don’t let me die
Speak and sing
in Kristang
Now all people
Can’t speak
Don’t be embarrassed
Come let us return
Let us all embrace our heritage
Let us awaken Kristang with haste